April 1, 2024, in San Francisco, CA, USA (Beta Release)
April 24, 2024 in San Francisco, CA, USA
May 11, 2024 in San Francisco, CA, USA
July 31, 2024 in Shanghai, China
Last Edit:
January 23, 2025 in San Francisco, CA, USA
Click the “New listing” button at the bottom of the “Listings” page to start.
Basic information
- By moving your cursor to the “Place name” text next to the back arrow, you will see a green outlined input field, you can type the name of your listing here.
- By clicking on the picture field (which will be a gray square if no picture has been uploaded), you can upload a photo to replace the existing one (or the gray square) in the field.
- You need to add at least four photos to your listing: one primary photo, two secondary photos, and one in the gallery. You can add one or more photos to the gallery by clicking the field in the bottom right.
🏞️ Please ensure the uploaded image's aspect ratio is 3:2 and maintain a high resolution to ensure the best display effect.

- You may need to scroll down to see the "About this place" section. Move your cursor to "Enter about this place…", you will see the same green outlined input field as when you set the place name before. At this time, you can enter a text introduction about your listing.
💡 Please keep your introduction concise and clear, all text beyond the first paragraph will be collapsed, and will only be displayed after the user clicks "See More".

Listing Settings
You can edit the basic settings and categories of the listing here so that guests can find listings that better meet their needs.

Room/Bathroom information
- In the “Room information” section, you can add a room by clicking the button with a plus sign.