
April 1, 2024, in San Francisco, CA, USA (Beta Release)

April 24, 2024 in San Francisco, CA, USA

Last Edit:

July 31, 2024 in Shanghai, China

When a listing is set to be visible to “Invited only”, only users you invited to register can see this listing. The invitation module allows hosts to manage their listings at heavily discounted pricing for their most trusted guests.

<aside> 🚧 New “Guest List” system update is working on progress.


Manage Invitations

Click the “Invitations” tab on the navigation bar to open the “Invitations” page. You can see the status of all invited users and create new invitations.


Invite by email

Inviting a guest by email is the easiest way. You can send them an email with a registration link after clicking on “Invite”. Guests will be able to create an account with a simple click.


Invite link

If you need a method that allows anyone with the link to register, creating an invitation link is the most convenient way, and the invitation link also supports multiple uses.

You can view the usage count for each link and manage them in the list. However, you can only maintain three invite links at any given time. If you exceed this limit, you must delete an existing link before creating a new one.
